Kiefner & Associates Inc.

Kiefner Leads the Way for the Evaluation of
High Risk Pipeline Systems

The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) recognizes cast and ductile iron pipes as among the highest risk. To address the unsafe nature of these pipes, PHSMA issued “A Call to Action” to federal, state, and local regulators to consider utility programs for the accelerated replacement of these materials. Applus+, through its commercial brand, Kiefner and Associates, Inc., answered this call in collaboration with the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC). The resulting project evaluated the cast iron and ductile iron pipeline system supplying much of Chicago. 

Kiefner’s experts applied the latest advancements in data analytics, structural analysis, and risk management to evaluate the remaining life of high-risk iron pipes. Their study consisted of three parallel assessments: corrosion, structural analysis, and risk.  The final report demonstrating Kiefner’s capabilities is available for download on the Illinois Commerce Commission’s website


The completion of this project represents the first known empirical evaluation of a system of this kind. Kiefner’s models and methodologies can now be applied to similar challenges faced by other utility companies. Their significant contribution through this study supports Kiefner’s emphasis on shared, nonconfidential information, and the overarching objective of ensuring public safety and welfare.

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